Do You Have an Outstanding Warrant?

Do You Have an Outstanding Warrant?

Get legal support from R. Curtis Murtha, PA in Clearwater or St. Petersburg, FL

If there's an outstanding warrant for your arrest, you need legal representation immediately. Having a warrant for your arrest can have multiple legal consequences, including limiting your ability to travel and receive government benefits. In some circumstances, warrants can be withdrawn without an arrest or court appearance. I'm R. Curtis Murtha, PA, and I have more than 20 years of experience defending clients in the Clearwater, FL area. Even if you're from out of state, I will do everything I can to fight for your rights in the courtroom.

Please contact my office to schedule an appointment to discuss all legal options.

Why choose me?

Facing an arrest warrant can be an intimidating experience. As your attorney, I will fight tirelessly to defend you through every step of this process. Clients choose me because I am...

Dedicated. You can rely on me for 24/7 support.
Experienced. I've been practicing law for over two decades.
Skilled. As a former prosecutor, I understand the other side.

Get the legal support you need to face your outstanding warrant. Set up your consultation with me by calling 727-442-2800 today.